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LEWIZ (Local Energy WIZard) Xemex

Exhibition stand: A6
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LEWIZ is a hybrid energy management and monitoring solution consisting of an appliance that is installed in the local fuse box and connected to an online software platform. LEWIZ connects and controls the important energy producing and consuming devices such as solar and battery inverter, heat pump, ventilation and EV charger, and offers insight into the consumption and / or local generation of energy. Using intelligent algorithms, energy flows are managed resulting in an optimized energy bill, considering regional legislation. LEWIZ integrates with devices of different brands and manufacturers to offer maximum freedom of choice and avoiding manufacturer lock-in.

LEWIZ (Local Energy WIZard)

About us

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Xemex/Cast4All offer energy monitoring and management solutions for managing residential energy flows. Independent of internet connection, total energy flows and performance of PV systems, heat pumps, WTW, batteries, charging stations, etc. are mapped.

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