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Smart Charge Controller Xemex

Exhibition stand: A6
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The Smart Charge Controller (SCC) is a device for controlling charge points, in function of load balancing and optimizing the self-use of solar energy. This CT power meter with MODbus RTU/RS485 or MODbus TCP offers you as a consumer some important advantages, including:

  • Smart charging based on measurements by SCC
  • Control of peak consumption by limiting the charging capacity from the charging station to the vehicle
  • Optimization of the self-consumption via the charging station
  • Solar charging only

The Smart Charge Controller measures the grid current and then regulates the charging current to the electric vehicle based on the Dynamic Load Balancing function of the charging station and the selected charging mode. The device can also be used for both single-phase and multi-phase installations.

Smart Charge Controller

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Xemex/Cast4All offer energy monitoring and management solutions for managing residential energy flows. Independent of internet connection, total energy flows and performance of PV systems, heat pumps, WTW, batteries, charging stations, etc. are mapped.

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