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Vertical design fuse switches for 800 V AC applications Pronutec

Exhibition stand: D17
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Vertical design fuse switches for 800 V AC applications

This Pronutec range of vertical fuse switches, specifically designed for the protection and distribution of electric networks from the new inverters with rated operational voltage levels of 800 V AC. This fuse swiches range offers the following advantages:

  • Tested switching capacity up to 800 V.
  • Tested short circuit protection up to 120 kA.
  • Reliable protection by a consolidated technology based in DIN standard.
  • All operations can be made in comfortable and safe way by using both conventional or insulated tools.
  • Compatible with 185 and 100 mm busbar distance.
  • Available from size NH 00 to NH 3, allows any combination for a flexible configuration and adaptable to any project.
  • Complete range of connections for copper and aluminum terminals for different cable sections.

About us

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Designers and manufacturers of Low Voltage electric equipment for public and private distribution network, at Pronutec we also develop solutions for the Photovoltaic sector, such as our combined AC panels (indoor and outdoor applications) or our 800V

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